A personal project
Documentary filmmaker
Surrey Family Photograher
Surrey Branding photographer
April 2020
Lockdown 1.0
I was out with my 3 children, 3 scooters and a camera on our daily neighbourhood walk at the start of lockdown when I passed a friend's house. Her youngest daughter Freya was waving in the window in her superhero outfit and I snapped her.
It kickstarted an idea.
We were all 'Staying home, Staying safe', which was and continues to be a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone (to put it midly!).
I thought it would be wonderful to capture the essence of lockdown, as it has been such a historic time.
I believed that photographing families through their window to the world would be the perfect way to do it.
Plus, I would have a creative outlet to keep me sane!
And so began #stayhomesuperheroes.

I used my exercise hour to cycle around to people’s homes and capture their lockdown window (sometimes a door!) asking questions to help gain an idea of their story behind their window.
Documenting this time and gaining an insight into each family, really helped to bring all the images to life, and not only that, it enabled people who saw these images to relate and know that their own highs and lows were also felt by others.
The overriding sentiment that came through from people's stories is the gratitude they have for this imposed family time together. The hope that the positive differences they have enjoyed can continue once the world resumes some normality. The chance we have all had to reflect on what's important in life.
It was a wonderful project to do, a real Woking community story to be told for many years to come, I also raised money for the NHS through it, to help supply the key workers.
I have featured each family and their story and you can read them all below. Thank you to everyone who took part. It was my honour to tell your lockdown story.

The Wilkinson-Pinto Family
Sally, Marco, Zé, Inez, Zavier and Teddy the puppy, a busy family! As a builder and Hairdresser it is uncertain times work wise but as you will read from Sally, they are making the most of the family time.⠀
“I am enjoying going back to basics and spending real time with each other. I will miss TIME when this is all over.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
My favourite time of day is the hour I get to spend with my horse every morning watching the sun ruse realising how lucky I am.⠀⠀
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?⠀
We had just had dinner and were watching the news.”

The Hardicre Girls
“My household is just my daughter, Grace, and I.
I work at her school, as a teaching assistant. I have been asked to stay home, as there are very few children currently at school, and me coming in, would mean I’d have to bring Grace.
A positive aspect of being able to stay home is that I am finally getting on top of getting my house in order.
I’ve felt overwhelmed for a long time with trying to keep the house spotless, coupled with the desire to decorate it at the same time, and I’m slowly completing jobs I’ve been meaning to do for months.
I’m also thoroughly enjoying having Grace home with me. With school, clubs, and weekends spent in Peterborough with her Dad, our time actually spent together feels usually feels very limited. I’ve been enjoying not having to be anywhere at a certain time, the rush of every day life can be draining. I’ll miss the slow pace of life, when things go back to normal.
Before this photo was taken, Grace was learning dances from videos on her phone, and I was tidying, as I always am!”

The Blakes
Asia/Jo an office/accounts manager, Tristan an aircraft maintenance supervisor, Elsie (10) and Eryk (8)
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!
Our positives include spending time together as family and actually having time for DIY! But we are missing the loss of freedom and worrying about the uncertainty.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
We will miss family time
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
An early morning ( favourite time of a day)
- What keeps your heart smiling?
listening to the kids play together makes us smile
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?
Jo/Asia was wfh, Tristan cleared the garden and cleaned the decking , kids were playing football in the garden.

The Hogans
Sarah, Craig, Lily (11) and Ben (9)
Here is Sarah's lockdown story: “In many ways I am enjoying the isolation. We are so fortunate that we have many beautiful walks on the doorstep and a dog to ensure routine and discipline to walk every day. We are lucky that we have technology to be able to see and talk to loved ones. What I miss most is being able to spend time with friends and loved ones.
When it is over I will miss the freedom of filling our own time without external expectations and pressures.
My favourite time of the day is the same as always, walking the dog.
Online chats with family and friends keep my heart smiling.
Just before the photo I was having a cup of tea and a very leisurely morning! There have been many long leisurely mornings and I am getting very good at a slower pace of life. Oh, I’ll also miss Joe Wickes workouts.”

Darcy & Freya
- Who is in your household?
Lee & Zoe Darcy 9, Freya 5
- What is/ are your occupation(s)?I am a therapist/healer. Lee is a technical artist for a computer company, Lee is working from home.
- How are you finding this period of isolation?
Mixed emotions, good days and bad days. Darcy has Asperger's so the change in routine and general stress of the situation has been a challenge but now she is relaxing at home she is better and anxiety has reduced, but it's not been easy!
I feel very positive that this period of time will help us, the community and planet earth but I miss hugs and being able to visit family, especially sick family members who we may not see again.
But all in all I appreciate it has made us stop and I am grateful for everything we have especially having a garden albeit small!
- What will you miss about this time when it is over? The slower pace of life, I feel we are going back to a glimpse of what our childhoods were like (minus the technology) my kids haven't said they are bored yet which pleases me, we are having dinner together every night and I feel we are focusing on us as a family unit.
- Favourite time of day?
when I go for my walk with Darcy
- What keeps your heart smiling?
listening to the birds singing
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?
We were having a chilled Sunday in the sunshine, had a walk in the woods and getting a bbq ready, a good day! 😍

The Lowes
Read on for Rachel’s lockdown story:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- Who is in your household
Me, Amma (9) , Caleb(8) and Zeke (4)⠀⠀
- What is your occupation?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Unable to work due to illness, used to be a teacher.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We are enjoying being able to do things at our own speed when we want too. Negatives have to be not seeing people and being the only adult in the household. Also I find it really difficult when people judge me, why can’t people just be positive first and assume that everyone is doing their best.⠀⠀
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I will miss deciding whether or not to put on day clothes.
- Favourite time of day
I really like first thing in the morning when everyone is sleepy and just coming round.
- What keeps your heart smiling?⠀⠀⠀⠀
My kids laughing🙂yes they annoy me but wouldn’t be without them especially when they are happy
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We had all put away our clean dry clothes - exciting I know!!

The Prices
Here is Lys lockdown story: - Who is in your household? Myself and my husband Rich, plus our 4 kids, Adin (nearly 11), Ellis (9), Robyn (6) and Seth (4).
- What is/ are your occupation(s)? Rich is a Design Engineer and I'm a stay at home Mum. Around with and family activities we also attend craft fairs selling our home made craft wares! Odd and faded design
- How are you finding this period of isolation? An unexpected welcome change - while the lockdown restricts certain freedoms it simultaneously creates a number of others. A range of obligations and commitments overnight just went; to fill that space with more 'stuff' is limited as the the demands of life have been simplified. Not doing things is now a required state - being pushed off the 'don't waste a minute' treadmill is not without alternative challenges but wonderfully liberating too. There is the challenge of home education but the less said about that the better!
- What will you miss about this time when it is over? The stillness. Even in a house with four kids the world we are currently in is so much quieter. You hear more, see more, feel more.
- Favourite time of day Mornings and evenings. Before the lockdown these were my most hated times. Chasing the kids non-stop to be ready for school in the morning or to get into bed in the evening. Both ends of the day frantic and frustrating. But now, we're working to our own time, the routine we create and it's calmer, way more leisurely, possibly even lazy at times and it's lovely. It won't last forever so we're enjoying it while we can.
- What keeps your heart smiling? The innovative ways we invent to show we care - banging on pans at 8pm on Thurs, Rainbows in Windows, WhatsApp neighborhood groups, Zoom chats, doorstep parcels, shopping for others - being a community.
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? Brunch - as breakfast never seems to be early enough now to call it that!

Claire, Joel and Laurie
Here are Claire’s (who works in charity marketing and fundraising) lockdown thoughts:
“I am finding it bizarre like everyone else, but you have time to properly think and assess your life and what is and isn't important. Positives are long dogwalks, discovering new routes, late night movies and chocolate every night, actually having decent phone conversations and great weather (so far). Negatives for me are lack of face to face adult conversation as a single parent, the obvious is missing family as they are not near, school, work, activities, socialising.
After its over I’ll just miss "time" and having plenty of it.
Fav time of day is having my first morning coffee in the garden, on a lazy day that can be gone 11am, lush.....
My boys and dog keep my heart smiling and the great spirit most people have shown throughout this to support eachother. And the thought of seeing everyone again for a cold beer....sigh....”

Cathie, Ben, Fred and Lucie
Here is Cathie’s lockdown story:
- Who is in your household?
Ben my husband, Fred our son, Luciana our daughter, Albus our dog and myself!
- What is/ are your occupation(s)?
Ben is a musician and I am a dance teacher. Fred is homeschooled and Luci attends school.
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!
Positives - being able to work out what is really important, spending more time with my family, realising we have far more than we need or realised. Grateful for the internet and staying in better contact with those who are important to us.
- No hugging/seeing my wider family and friends, too much time being spent saving my business, fear of losing someone dear to this virus or any other complication due to its existence.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
Time - unending amounts of time to ponder and stop and think. The connection with others I previously did not know.
- Favourite time of day
That split second when you wake and you don’t remember this is happening. Late at night in the garden as the world is so peaceful.
- What keeps your heart smiling?
My husband, my children and my connection to others!
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?
Luci had just had a meltdown because she wants to be on the Easter holidays and we are still doing classes online. I had just had a shower. Ben was up and dressed and Fred had just woken up!

Jo & her girls
- who is in your household?
Myself, husband Adam and twins Sienna and Zoe
- What is/ are your occupation(s)?
County Council partnership manager, currently busy involved in c19 response.
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!
Finding it a tough juggle with two busy working parents at home and little downtime to give the children attention and input for home schooling. Also finding it tough with family living abroad and my Dad terminally ill, and not being able to travel to see him. But enjoying the time we make with each other as a family, grateful for my garden, FaceTime and technology and exercise!
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
Not sure I will miss much to be honest as it’s a really tough juggle! Maybe a walk with my little people at the end of a day!
- Favourite time of day
End of the day when I log off (even if for a few hours only) and go for a walk or play with the girls and make dinner.
- What keeps your heart smiling?
Contact with family and friends ; my garden and the space it gives us! Enjoying a cup of tea in the sun in one of my favourite spots on the back stairs!
Realised what I will miss when it’s over; Not having to spend hours in the car driving to and from work ; a short commute over a cup of tea!

Henry & Paige
who is in your household? Myself (Lyndsay), husband (Richard), son (Henry) & daughter (Paige)
- What is/ are your occupation(s)? I run a family focused community group & my husband is a training manager
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives! On the whole we are all doing pretty well, lots of positives as we’ve viewed it from day 1 as a very rare & special time as we are unlikely to ever get this much time together again. It’s a real treasure that it’s while our children are so young as you just never get these precious years back & it’s a great time to instil so much of our family values & love into them. We are also taking the opportunity to get all the jobs done around the house that need doing but we never had time for before. Negative is missing the rest of our family 😢 the kids are desperately missing nanny & grandad & I know they are missing the kids too.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over? We will miss the amount of time we all had. No one had to dash off anywhere or try & hurd the kids into the car etc. It really seems to have relaxed our children & I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be able to just slow down.
- Favourite time of day Lunch time. When the weather has been nice we’ve been having picnics in the garden together & Paige especially really enjoys this.
- What keeps your heart smiling? The fact that we are together, we are safe & we get to watch our kids grow up before our eyes. Also FaceTime chats with family.
What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? We were all upstairs helping to clean our bedrooms. Radio on & dancing around being silly.

The Perfects
- Who is in your household?
Me (Melanie), Dan, Cameron and Oliver Perfect
- What is/ are your occupation(s)?
Teaching Assistant & Land Director
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!
At first I couldn’t relax. I was full of anxiety. The what ifs. I felt powerless. Now I realise my role in this crisis is to stay at home I can relax a little and enjoy this unusual time with my family. I realise we are very fortunate, we have a garden and the woods behind the house. The outdoors is keeping us sane. A highlight for me is definitely the daily family walks.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
I’m really enjoying doing things at our own pace. I don’t miss the school run!
- Favourite time of day
When the sun is out, 5pm. Dutch Blitz time in the garden. I haven’t won yet, but I intend to!
- What keeps your heart smiling?
The bond my boys have.
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?
Ha! Fancy dress P.E. session with Joe Wicks. You are very fortunate not to have caught Dan dressed as an alien! 👽

The Skeets
Christine fills us in a little of what their lockdown life is like... read on:
- who is in your household? Our household is me, Andy, James (12), Lily (9) and Scout the mad Cockerpoo.
- What is/ are your occupation(s)? Andy is an IT Manager and I’m currently an Open University student studying Psychology (and a mum :)).
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives! This period of isolation has brought mixed emotions. We’re really enjoying the time together as a family and, for the children and I, the lack of deadlines and timetables. Extended family illness and bereavement has been really hard as we haven’t been able to visit or support in the way we normally would and we miss everyone very much.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
I’ll really miss the family time and the time to just be.
- Favourite time of day We’ve done a lot of cooking, baking, crafts and talking. I’ve loved that we have eaten together as a family every night as that rarely happens in “real” life. That is probably my favourite time of the day, or when we walk Scout as a family.
- What keeps your heart smiling? I’ve been overwhelmed with the power and strength of family, friends and community through this time. There is so much love and everyone is pulling together in a way that I have certainly never experienced. I love our community and am so glad that we’re part of it - that makes my heart smile.
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? Just before this pic was taken we were just settling down to homeschooling - a blessing and a curse 🙂
Thanks so much for taking the pics and including us in this Jo. We rarely get pictures together and its lovely to have something to remember this mixed up time by.

The Ingrams
- who is in your household?
There are 5 of us in the household. Mark and I and Marley who is 13, Ben who will be 11 on weds and Bella who has just turned 8
- What is/ are your occupation(s)?
I am an Osteopath and Mark works in the city usually, in Re insurance
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!
I am finding the whole isolation thing strange and surreal. I miss my family so much especially my twin sister. To not be able to hug her or be with her has been very difficult. In my job I am use to touching people everyday so it’s very weird not to be able to do so.
I have started to appreciate the little things more and am great full fir the sunshine, the garden, that I am able to go for walks, the sound of the birds singing etc
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
We are having 3 meals a day all together which never happens and I will miss this. It’s lovely to not have to rush out in the morning and instead enjoy a cup of tea all together in bed.
- Favourite time of day
I think lunchtime is my favourite part of the day
- What keeps your heart smiling?
The sound of my children’s laughter keeps my heart smiling
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken?
Before the photo we had been celebrating Bella’s 8th Birthday.

Poppy & Joseph
Gemma, Poppy and Joseph's mum tells us a little more about their lockdown life:
“So it’s myself, husband Greg and Poppy and Joseph... and Kenny the cat.
I am a Project Administrator currently on furlough and Greg is a Finance Manager but still working from home.
Initially, I really struggled with the lockdown as I was very worried and anxious, I was also working and trying to home school which was v stressful. However, now I am enjoying being at home with the family and grateful for this unprecedented time altogether.
I will miss the lazy mornings when things all go back to normal.
Initially, I really struggled with the lockdown as I was very worried and anxious, I was also working and trying to home school which was v stressful. However now I am enjoying being at home with the family and grateful for this unprecedented time all together.
Seeing how nicely the kids can play together (most of the time) makes my heart smile
Before you arrived, both kids were watching TV and I was doing a house clean.”

Mithila, Mahmoud & Micah
- who is in your household? Myself, Mahmoud and Micah
- What is/ are your occupation(s)? Hubby is a IT consultant and I run our own property business
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives! Positives are definitely having quality family together with our lil man, and just being able to slow down and think on life to ensure we are heading in the direction we want. Negatives is not being able to see other family members.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over? The picnics & BBQs in our garden, dancing/playing with our lil one regularly, all mealtimes together & our daily walks
- Favourite time of day Our daily walks into the village
- What keeps your heart smiling? This precious time we have had the opportunity to spend all together
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? We had just finished our Joe Wicks workout and managed to get showered/dressed before u came!

The ShyneFest Family
- Who is in your household?
Kev, Shyne, Oli,Indie and the bunnies Holly and Pip
- What are your occupation(s)?
For a living we run a commercial heating business and for fun we run a music festival. We both work from home, so work wise, not much has changed. The phone rings less for the heating business (luckily we have enough work to keep our engineers going as we work mostly in schools, which are very empty these days and NHS properties, which are essential to keep going!) and so we have lots more time to catch up on invoicing, quotes, etc. The festival has been postponed to next year, so that’s one less thing to worry about for the moment.
- How are you finding this period of isolation?
(Shyne) I’m loving no school run! Our son goes to a specialist school the other side of Farnham, so we have to leave at 715am. I am enjoying having more for time for and with the kids, life has slowed down with no rushing about, trying to fit everything in.
I know that Oli is struggling as there isn’t much structure to his day, he follows his timetable online everyday, but he is more productive and focussed at school. (Kev) I’m missing my weekly 5 a side football and pub with my mates! (Indie) OKish
(Oli) Fine. Can’t wait to go back to school.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over?
(Kev) The empty roads and no traffic jams! (Shyne) not having to be anywhere or do anything. I found it hard at first, I would wake up early morning in a panic that I had to be somewhere, or I had forgotten something... now there’s no alarms and I can spend the day in pj’s. Bliss!
- Favourite time of day
Late afternoon when we usually go for a long walk together and snuggling on the sofa watching movies.
- What keeps your heart smiling?
Hugs! The kids give them in abundance, so I get my fix.

The Leighs
Who is in your household?
Nige, Claire, Ellyn and Henry Leigh.
- What is/ are your occupation(s)?
I own and run Two Ducks Store in St.Johns Village, Nige works for the Civil service.
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives!
A surprising amount of positives - spending much more time together as a family, more quality time with the children, more time to bake and redecorate the house, weed the garden, nice long walks every day, alot less commuting for Nige, a chance to work on our e-commerce website, a chance to explore new hobby’s (jigsaws - lol! Adult colouring)
Negatives - not being able to see loved ones - family and close friends - very hard. not being able to visit pubs and bars (especially Cellar M), not going out for lunches/drinks/dinner. Not being able to go travelling or away for the weekend. The monotony of the daily routine. The difficulty of home schooling as we’re not teachers! The uncertainty of the future especially for our business.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over? Having Nige and the kids around so much. Being able to catch up with all the home jobs/improvements.
- Favourite time of day After dinner, sitting in the garden with a glass of rose and the kids bouncing on the trampoline
- What keeps your heart smiling? Continuing to be creative
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? We had just done our exercise - the kids and Nige had just done a Joe Wickes session and I had done a run.

Uta & Annabelle
- Who is in your household? Uta, Annabelle (5) and my husband Gareth (who was at work and not keen on being in the pictures anyway 😂)
- What is/ are your occupation(s)? G - Carpenter/Antique Furniture Restorer U - I'm running my own German music group for children https://www.facebook.com/DeutschesKindersingenWoking/
Before the lockdown I also did some volunteering for the Shooting Star Children's Hospice charity and the Knaphill Community fridge.
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Blissful. I'm enjoying the weather, the gardening, not having to rush anywhere and being at home getting all these odd jobs done and also enjoying some new hobbies.
- What will you miss about this time when it is over? I will miss not over-commiting myself and mostly I will miss not having to do the school run.
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Blissful. I'm enjoying the weather, the gardening, not having to rush anywhere, and being at home getting all these odd jobs done and also enjoying some new hobbies.
- Favourite time of day The evening when I get some time to myself
- What keeps your heart smiling? My allotment and my daughter.
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? We hade a rare lie in and then ended up rushing to get ready for the photo shoot. Annabelle chose some of her Teddies that she also wanted in the pictures.
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? We hade a rare lie in and then ended up rushing to get ready for the photoshoot. Annabelle chose some of her Teddies that she also wanted in the pictures.

The Lynch Family
- Who is in your household? Lynch family, Phil,Yana, Henry ,Anya ,Denis and Grandma Nona
- What is/ are your occupation(s)? Phil is HR director and I am an artist (Basieva Art), Henry is chemistry student
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives! Love having everyone home ( exept feeding and cooking 🤣) as especially with Henry being a student at Sheffield and last year he spent in Canada, having him back at home is a treat ! And he is great older brother, who provides technical support to Anya and Denis during the study!
- What will you miss about this time when it is over? We are board game crazy family and lockdown gives us even more time to play all together our favourite games, even Zooming our sessions with friends playing board games ! I will miss that , as normally we have only time at the weekends
- Favourite time of day My favourite time when everyone doing their work and I can sit and paint !
- What keeps your heart smiling? Seeing kids together and still chatting and sharing stories and jokes makes me smile and so happy!
- What was happening in your world just before this photo was taken? Choosing board game is a part of the ritual, arguing why we should play this specific one (out of more than 25 games )today is always a challenge ! And who will go first, of course!!
- How are you finding this period of isolation? Positives and/or negatives! Love having everyone home ( except feeding and cooking y) as especially with Henry being a student at Sheffield and last year he spent in Canada, having him back at home is a treat! And he is a great older brother, who provides technical support to Anya and Denis during the study!

The Taylor family
"Our family is made up of Paul, laura , Jack who is 9 and Eleanor who is 5 . Paul works for a car dealership and I work for Debenhams.
How are you finding this period of isolation? Positive’s and negative’s. Isolation has been a bit up and down. We’ve had nearly 2 weeks longer due to the kids having a temperature before schools closed, and we live in a flat. It can be tough and hard as a parent when your child has long periods in and no free access to a garden but we’ve made the most of our walks.
What will I miss when this is over- At first the thought of months with the kids home was overwhelming, but I don't want them to go back now. I love the details... the things I see that maybe I missed before. A sound they make when unsure..new freckles on a nose. I will miss the time to stop and notice the details.
Favourite time of day - First thing in the morning when they wake, sleepy family cuddles.
What keeps your heart smiling ? Speaking to my folks and the thought of being able to see them again
So, there you have it. All my Stay Home Superheroes in one place! I hope that these images will be seen by many and enjoyed. Thank you everyone and to you, reader if you saw this post through to the end!
Jo x